Deep Freeze 🥶

Annual Trail Rides: 22/200 We have had seven consecutive days of -20 to -30C and it’s been all about layers, heated boots, proper scarfs and mitts and managing ride time and speed. Ive found the trick for riding in this weather is to never walk longer than 10 minutes. Trotting is preferred to cantering (although I do cantalope a few times) as we can do longer distances and it keeps everyones blood pumping. The trail footing has been stupendous. Really fast tracks on both the wide trails and narrow forest tracks. Most of the debris has been removed or cut down by our volunteer groomers and so nothing much gets in our way. A little spook at the occasional branch or twig remains particularly when cantering. Q gave me some beautiful cantalopes on the buckle today which is a testament to his level of relaxation and general contentedness. He is also getting better at picking the right lead without contact so Im pretty happy about that. Ive also gotten bolder about where we trot and have star...