Mirages and mashups

Annual Trail Rides : 15/200

With the wind chill it is bitterly cold today at -20C. That with some sore muscles after yesterday’s ride makes me very happy to take today off. Yeah, working day!

The woods are exceptionally beautiful this week, and the footing is crisp and crunchy. Ive been seeing mirages of the Rocky Mountains through the treetops as the snow has hardened and created stiff peaks. I find it fascinating to be transported to a different world by a light change in perception. Maybe you see it too?

Had a good ride out with the BO yesterday. We are reconditioning one of her riding horses, so the pace was 33% slower than usual but we still got in some lovely jogs and lopes. Q continues to express his displeasure with his radar ears and body tension when the other horse edges too close. But a little heat of my calf takes away some of his worries (although there are probably lingering “bunnies in the basket” as per Warwick Schiller. He prefers to lead, or follow ... but this side by side business is not his cup of tea. 🤣

If you listened to the above video with sound, you might be wondering what is going on. The BO (on the paint) was coaching the rider on her young horse to manage the gait within the gait. It was a good ride!

And Ive also latched on to a group doing some of my favorite musical twists: the mashup. Two good songs, brought together in unusual ways. This one comes from Pomplamoose.

Another form of shifting perception. I think this might be a theme for 2021.


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