A timestamp for half a century

There is something different about birthdays that end in 0. A silly human tradition, but one I embrace as well. I can honestly say that this birthday has me at my highest level of contentment. My 20th birthday was in a context of uncertainty, my 30th birthday was in the turmoil of massive change, my 40th birthday was in a context of newly married but professionally dissatisfied ... which brings me to this day.

Today, I am healthy and strong. Nothing hurts today (although that's not always true) and my body seeks fresh air, movement and the beauty of nature.

Today, I am in a wonderful relationship with my husband who I adore. The experiences we create and embrace are magical, no matter if they happen in our backyard or on the other side of the planet. 

Today, I work for joy. Gone are the days where I am chasing promotions, raises, rewards and approval. I pick my projects and gigs based on the joy and energy they provide me. I rearrange my schedule to accommodate my lifestyle. I work fewer hours, with better compensation.

Today, I continue to focus on being present instead of doing. Gone are the days where I pollute my time with lots of to-do lists. I embrace the messiness and dirt in my life (and house) and work at removing the voices of criticism in my head.

Today, I look and listen for my teaching moments. I embrace my fears and insecurities when I reach the end of my chain of knowledge. I embrace my sensitivity and impatience as my clarion call for change.

Today, I seek out experiences. I organize my life and choices to set aside the time and resources to meet my needs for novelty and excitement. At this life moment I have less able-bodied time ahead of me then what is behind, while I have more time and resources. I refuse to wait until an official date of retirement to fully live and experience all that is exciting for me. Carpe diem.

I often speak of the importance of happiness in my life, and while that can be a hard measure to achieve all the time, I can certainly say that I am very content with where my life is today.


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