2021 Goal to 200?

Annual Trail Rides: 4/200

I have been toying with the idea of a riding objective for a while but didn’t want to commit to tracking mileage for an entire year. So I decided, spurred by silly facebook trolls complaining about the expensive trail pass we purchase every year ($105 Cdn, or $70 US), to see if I can get my average cost per trail ride down to 0,50$. What a hoot!

Of course the pass cost is but a drop in the bucket of the other costs of horse ownership and I do benefit (knock on wood) from a horse that is sound and healthy and only needing routine veterinary care. Board is up this year but Vet costs are pretty mundane, including regular dental care. I keep my horse barefoot with a trim every 5-6 weeks and aside from occasional thrush which disappeared these last two years since we changed his bedding to peat moss, my horse is fit as a fiddle. 

The pass cost represents 1% of my horse expense budget, and so at 200 rides in a year that would bring my total cost per ride to $50.

On the surface this 200 trail ride goal might seem too easy. But weather conditions do not always contribute to trail access and we do tend to travel 5-8 weeks every year. So to meet this goal I would need to ride a solid 5 trails per week, which is a lot. I average closer to 3.

Anyways, tracking number of rides is an easier commitment and I can easily average mileage at the end of the year as most of my rides are 7-10 km. So if I hit 200 rides, I can estimate that I will have done 1600km which is pretty good for an annual objective.

Happy New Year!

PS We start a new, harsher COVID confinement this coming weekend.


  1. You could track it with the equilab app. that might help. I like this goal I think it's a great one.

    1. I hope so! So far trail footing is in my favor!


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