Milestone - 10%

Annual Trail Rides: 20/200

We have been blessed these last few days by some amazing weather and footing. I rode every one of the last four days and hit the big 2 0 milestone today with a beautiful 90 minute ride in great company. I have had two solo rides, and two accompanied rides this week. Some of the rides were short and fast, some were long and slow ... and one of them was long and fast. I was so tired from that ride that I needed epsom salt bath, heating pad, and alleve to deal with my aching lats.

I was back out there today and had a blast with three other riders. With the amount of snow hanging off the trees, we had to do lots of ducking and dodging, and we ended up with our saddle seats filled with snow a few times.

Here are a few snapshots from my rides these last few days. I continue to be in awe of the winter wonderland. Sometimes the fields are lit up like diamonds, other times we go through tunnels of trees loaded with snow, and sometimes we canter on fast track with the sunshine.


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