Spring sillies, and back again

These last few weeks were rough. Flu, ice storm, power outage, work … meant I had little time for barn visits or riding. I tried to ride last week but met a bolting demon instead. I chose safety first and walked home instead.

I let Q run around in the indoor arena but that ended up as a big fail as he skirted the big lake at one end bucking and leaping, until he tripped and flipped over with his saddle on his back. A big gash was opened over his eye. 

I tried to lunge in the limited space left, and I managed to get some of his energy out. I handwalked on the street and on some of the trails.

And then today, miracle of miracles, I got my quiet trail horse back and we went out to enjoy some slushy fun in the forest.

I probably have only ridden once or twice this last month, and its a joy to enjoy a warm sunny day while there is still some snow on the ground.


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