What shall I do with so many grapes?

My husbands budding green thumb has prompted our withering backyard grape vine to provide us its most abundant harvest yet. Buckets of grapes from a single vine!

The grape varietal is unknown, but hardy, small fruit, tart, green, and with a slight blush when mature. We picked them all last night as they are starting to be eaten by birds, squirrels, and falling to the ground.

Now the questions what do we do with them? We have tried jam (delicious), persian-type stews, verjus. They are too tart to eat, and we dont have the equipment to make wine. Im thinking of making more jam but sweetening with apples instead of sugar, freezing some for stews this winter, and making some verjus to replace lemon in my water.

Any other ideas?


  1. WE have grapes too that are too tart to eat. I leave them for the birds but have always wanted to try to make jelly. I've never heard of verjus!

    1. Im still trying to figure out what these grapes are. Do you know what your varietal is? I think mine might be prairie star.


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