Extend the shadow of our decisions

I lost my trail buddy this weekend. It’s not clear how much was determined by the ongoing barn drama. He packed his stuff and moved to another barn within 24 hours.

So, I am sad. No doubt that having an activity buddy helps keep us motivated, and gets our butts in the saddle more often than not. Now, I feel alone.

That our horses and our riding styles were so in sync makes the transition much more difficult. How will I find another trail buddy that is so compatible?

This probably marks the beginning of a new chapter of riding solo. I do love riding my horse solo and not having to negotiate pace, direction, detours with anyone. Big bonus is that my Q is just as good alone.
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I might need some external motivation like one of those wearable gadgets that track pace, elevation, etc. Something that would push me to go further, ride harder, discover new trails.

This week we have our exciting clinic to “despook, the mounted police way”. And soon after that Ill be off for our epic European trip.

But I will need a plan for summer. Something. Someone. Somehow.


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