Balmy -14 degrees celsius, or -18 degrees with windchill 🥶

It was going to be sunny and cold, and so I dressed appropriately (long underwear, winterbreeches, and foot warmers... my heated insoles are en route). The beauty of battling -30 degrees is that -18 feels balmy! I kid you not!

We were protected from the wind in the woods, but even on the more open trails it was very tolerable. I thought I might join some friends for a ride today, but at the last minute I bailed to do my own ride. I needed to work on some fast trot sets and I did not want to manage with someone else’s agenda.

So off we went, marching down to the main trail at a good clip. The volunteer groomers had been out again this morning (twice in five days) and we had a glorious snow highway for most of our ride. Q bolted on me twice while cantering (lasting 2 strides) but clearly this horse is fit and needs a job. I caught up with our BO and fellow boarder as we trotted on the way home and they asked me to walk because their horses were winded. I dont think I have ever seem Q winded.

Tomorrow is a day off, and then we need to do another 2-3 trails on our own to get our groove back. Looks like the weather and footing will be cooperating with a tropical 0 degrees on Wednesday and another bucket of snow on the weekend. If the snow keeps accumulating it might make offroading very challenging. Especially when two double sleighs take up the trail.



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