Canter fail, again

Every time I think Ive “got this”, Im proven wrong. In my defense, Q was so full of himself that he tried to balk and tell me that the trails were not safe today by shying at the trail entrance. I saw him coming, so I growled, leg on, and got ready for the 180 degree spin. That was the first time he did that, but my previous horse Jazz taught me everything I know about this stupid trick and it is SO much easier to nip these in the bud early on.

Once in the woods he calmed down, but he was very very forward. Alone I had control, but once we met with B and started cantering all hope for control was gone. There was no cantaloping happening today. Even at a trot he was bouncy bouncy bouncy.

Again, to his defense, his buddy Shadow was also high as a kite shying and spooking at every little twig on the ground which is not so amusing at a canter.

So today we lunge, and then we ride solo on the trails and we trot and canter as much as we can. Footing should be good, and the weather is going to be a “temperate” 6 degrees celsius.

Fingers crossed.

UPDATE: Today went great with a good 10 minute lunging with lots of bucking and spooking and two trail rides. By the end I could cantalope on the buckle for a few strides. I think Q was finally tired.


  1. Honestly, this doesn't sound like a fail at all to me. It sounds like a horse that was full of himself and you dealt with it. Sounds more like a win, IMHO.

    1. Very true! Its so easy to have unrealistic expectations!


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