Goosebump Trail and Questions of commitment

We have had some touch and go conditions on trail which have reduced us to a walk and sometimes trot. This does not pair up well to the warmer temperatures and spring sillies. Q kept it in check over the weekend until a young great dane growled and lunged at him on trail, tossing his owner to the ground. Nothing happened, but my usually steady eddie (when it comes to dogs) was unnerved.

On Monday we had a true thawing, and I was able to get out on trail properly for the first time in weeks and we did a long stretch into the other sector, crossing babbling brooks and all. Q was hot, but we very safely did some nice WTC stretches on some delightful footing. When we walked, Q gave me those vibes that had me tossing my feet out of the stirrups and breathing in sync with him, relaxing my lower body and my shoulders. Ive never had a horse that gave me so much feedback on my own tension and encouraged me to relax and go with the flow. This horse gives me goosebumps.

As I drove back home, I was very tired but didn’t think too much about it. My back was sore and I just wanted to nap. Some alleve and a heating pad, and I was out like a light. I figured it was just a release of the tension and exhaustion accumulating these last weeks of excess work and stress. This was going to be a light week so it was a good rest week.



Urgh. Dry cough, exhaustion, brain fogs. So I moved all my meetings to zoom and cancelled my weekend plans. Our first social outing in a year. Urgh.

Granted if I had to be sick, this was the perfect week for it. No events, no keynote speeches, so required attendance. As a solo practitioner I often worry about getting sick before an event. There is no way I can be replaced. and sometimes a hundred people are travelling to my location to participate in my sessions. 

So I often self isolate the week before and reduce as much risk of exposure or accident (horse fall?) as I can.

But what about the other stuff? The concerts, the trips, the flights to long planned destinations? Knowing what we now know, how do we commit to expensive long term plans when we can’t control our health circumstances? Of course, we cancel, and thats where travel insurance comes in. But is there such a thing as concert insurance?

We are moving back to normal, but I dont think we will forget the last few years and our individual responsibility to slow or stop the spread of infectious diseases. The nice part is that all I have to say to avoid a meeting or encounter is that Im sick. End of story. Everyone understands and appreciates my self-removal.


  1. I'm sorry you're sick. That sucks. I have been musing over many of these points myself recently. I do appreciate that people are MUCH less likely to show up to something sick these days. AND that if they do, they're likely to get flack for it. While I have largely gone back to "normal", I do still think about Covid regularly and it definitely impacts my plans, especially long term like you mentioned.

  2. oh no, hope you improve quickly! Looks like you're going into mud season, which I've been in all winter this year, so I feel for your spring silliness in bad footing.


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