A different kind of quest

Annual Trail Rides: 134/200 (Bareback 7/12) Heavy smoke from nearby forest fires have covered our city with a thick smog. But that didn’t dissuade me from a very unusual quest ... navigating through trails and residential streets to ride to T’s (our BO, and fearless leader) mom’s house. It was going to take at least an hour to get there ... so it was going to be a long trek (2.5 hrs in total). Boy oh boy did we make her day! She was so excited to see us approaching that she forgot how to use her ipad to record the big moment. We felt like celebrities roaming through the neighbourhood as kids squealed, dogs barked, and delivery trucks ceded the way. I was super proud of Q who saw lots of weird things and kept his anxiety in check. He is now a certified road warrior! It was a different kind of ride, which is always perfect for summer vacation.