Summercamp @ 1 2 0

Annual Trail Rides: 120/200 (Bareback 5/12)

It was a cool and cloudy day! But no rain in the forecast! And my buddy C was back to ride with me for the first time in over two months! I had plans to take her to her favorite spot, the faraway x-country field in sector 3. She asked the BO to join us and we took off on our adventure. I also had plans to join S&S for a quick and easy trail in the afternoon. It was going to be a busy day.

Q was amazing. After his chase of the kubota ghost the day before, he was settled and attentive. A good thing, because sector 3 involves lots of trail obstacles and traffic. Oh and cats hiding in long grass. 😱 

We took an easy pace with occasional long trots because the two other horses were seniors and not too fit. But the scenery was gorgeous. The forest on this side was neon green from the rain, with a lacy tree cover. And there were many fields!

The deerflies were epic in certain spots despite my heavy fly spray application and fly hat. I should switch to the white one even if it looks dirtier. The flies are attracted to dark colours and horses.

Q is getting better with his ears. I was able to readjust his hat a few times because he would shake so vigorously to rid himself of the flies that it would slip under the bridle. His trust in me is at an all time high, so its probably time I start adding new abilities to his repertoire. Like those brand new saddle bags hiding in my locker!

Anyways after 2.5 hrs and some very happy riders, we made it home and ached and moaned our way out of the saddles. I had a quick lunch and mounted back up for my second ride with 1/2 of the S&S club. We went for a quiet 1 hour walk around the trails and did some catching up. It was lovely, but my hip was screaming bloody murder.

I made it back home, with alleve and heating pad all evening. And yet I still feel like it was a day at summercamp filled with friends, ponies, and summertime fun.


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