ISO ... pinecones

Annual Trail Rides: 112/200 (5/12) Two days of rest and anti-inflammatories, and Im ready to get in the saddle again. It was a bit of a rush to cram in a ride and the drive time of 2 hours in my 3.5 hour window between conference calls ... but it's nice to know with Q that I can (usually) just tack up and ride. Such a relief. So we are playing a fun game with our local trail club ... horse bingo! So, today I have to go on the hunt for a 7 inch pinecone. I have a fabric tape to measure with, my phone to take the evidence picture, and this would give me three squares on my bingo card. My two other X's are for a picture and trail location of a picnic table, and a picture and location of a horse crossing sign. First ones to get four corners, straight line, or circumference win special prizes that include club gear, photo shoot, and a BEMER session. So something like a treasure hunt meets bingo, where a new clue/square is published on Facebook every 48 hours. A great way to get the ...