So Lush!

Annual Trail Rides: 106/200 (Bareback: 3/12)

Its been a good week for weather and riding and we got some good mileage under our belt. A few showers and storms also made for a very lush forest. Our creek was full today and Q did not want to leave as he pushed his face into it several times, until he started playing and pawing and I cut his game short. Sometimes I wonder if he is thinking of dropping and rolling. 😱

I did two solo rides, and two accompanied rides where I have come to realize that I now trot longer and faster than anybody else wants to. On my first group ride with a bunch of QH types, we jogged a few km of trails and then I turned and asked if they were ready to do some long trots? They said yes, and I pushed Q to lengthen by 50% but certainly not max. We lost them within 10 strides.

The next day I went with buddy B, and he either stopped or asked me to stop after every 2 minute stretch of trot. That is no longer my pace.

Q, who I have now affectionately nicknamed “Trail Boss”, excels at long trots on the buckle for 10-15 minute stretches. He keeps the pace steady, and just checks in with his ears when he is thinking that I might want something different. He lifts his neck up an inch or so if he thinks something is up ahead, and he tilts his head when he is worried about something.

My trail boss is great at leading the pack, happy to follow behind or get stuck in the middle (just don’t creep on his bubble, especially if you are unpredictable or silly ... he knows the difference), and is getting better at cantering on the buckle.

Ive started adding in some new work on trail when Im solo. Today we worked on the right lead canter departures (Ive gotten sloppy) and shortening trot and canter strides, while lifting his front end. We’ve also been doing more work on the contact, using all of that natural forward momentum on the trail. I keep the contact work short and sweet as he can get really flustered and frustrated when I start micromanaging. Trail Boss is convinced he is the boss. 😃


  1. Trail Boss is an appropriate name. I'm giggling at you leaving everyone else in the dust. I wish we were closer. Lucy could keep up!! Beautiful trail photos, as always.


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