So close, but sidelined

Annual Trail Rides: 99/200 (Bareback 2/12)

Im so close to the midway mark for the year, I can almost feel it! But, poor Q had a trim this week that left him sore, and something strange happened to me where I can not move or lift my right arm and so Im stuck at home, alternating between NSAIDS and Codeine, trying to hurry up and get better. What really sucks is that the weather finally decided to play nice, and it's just gorgeous outside. 

Over the last week we rode a few times, and got caught in a downpour, had a nice easygoing bareback ride and had a few social rides with fellow boarders. 

I was really hoping to start cantering bareback, but I quickly realized during the trot that I have mucho work to do. My body needs to develop some muscle memory so that every slight imbalance can be adjusted. My fear is that I might clench my legs in the canter as an attempt to regain balance, and then end up setting Q into a bolting gallop as a result.

So, I need to actively seek out more bareback opportunities so I can master the trot. When its a heatwave, its easy enough to justify a bareback ride ... but it also means Im not real excited to trot. So over the summer, Ill try and get in a dozen bareback trails. New goal!

The regular view

The day it downpoured


  1. Sorry about being sidelined. I hope you both feel better soon.


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