These are a few of my favourite things

When the dog bites. When the bee stings.

We have been shut down for a week. At first most of my friends and family thought I was overreacting and being too cautious. Now everyone seems to have accepted our new temporary reality. I try to not think too much about how long this might last and the long-term impact to our economy or my income.

Turning off the tv and getting lost in blogland has been a relief and I wanted to share a few of my favorite blogs and thank all the bloggers out there for the sense of community, the humour, the great pics and the brief window into a different world. It is healing.

The Pusher - Lytha from horsecrazyamerican was the one who pushed me to start blogging a year ago. I love following her adventures across the pond with her beautiful horse Mag and donkey Bellis. She is courageous beyond measure to have packed up her American ways and adapted to a very different culture. Just knowing how she endures the daily scowling at the Aldi cash is a testament to her tenacity. Considering that I start every day by opening her blog to see the updated bloglist on the right side, I can accurately say that she is the gateway to my addiction. She is also one of my more frequent commenters on my blog! Thank you!

The Sweetheart - Teresa from journeywithadancinghorse is thought provoking in her blog and opens up to the stress, frustration and growth that comes with an opinionated andalusian mare and a journey of self awareness. Her journey is inspiring and I look forward to her posts regularly. I live vicariously through her dressage lessons and clinics and had some good belly laughs at her pas de deux in full out flamenco garb. She also comments regularly on many blogs and is my #1 commenter. Her comments are filled with encouragement, kindness and understanding. Thank you Teresa!

The Storyteller - Dom has the absolute best stories and most crazy adventures at madcap escapades. The cattle grate deathtrap at the epic endurance race, the rant on dogwalkers, the breezing of young racehorses, and of course the crazy italian client were unforgettable tales. Her stories. Her incredible pics. And those two gorgeous dogs. When her posts light up my screen I turn off all distractions and give her my undivided attention.

The Comedian - Amanda may be the storyteller but Henry and his sidekick Presto are definitely the stars at the900facebookpony. Amanda delivers a full service blog with amazing Cyber Monday listings, cool product reviews, and amazing footage of her cross country feats. The epic cocochino run was memorable, as was the UK France trip in 2019, but I watched Presto with his giant ball on rerun loops because it was just so funny. Always the trendsetter, Amanda is now including vlogs as we follow on her Presto starting under saddle. Tune in for some good laughs.

The Badass (with heart) - My first foray into horse blogs started with Nicole on her old blog as she did a product review on an Alta escuela saddle I was thinking of buying. I have since followed her journey on her new blog todoeluniversoconspira that is filled with funny stories of guys at the gym and random donations toilet paper. But her stories of the ER at her animal hospital are epic. I am grinning, sobbing, cheering, with epic goosebumps as the tragedies turn into feel good stories of courage, empathy, and asking permission of those without a voice. This lady is a novelist in the making.

The Hero - Cricket's journey of her transformation and the blossoming of her beautiful arabian Ashke is nothing short of the Heros Journey. Her last video of flying changes is epic if you remember where she started her dressage journey so many years ago. I also loved her stories from the trail even if her last big ride was more of a descent into hell, with diminishing reserves of water, heat stroke and getting lost. I look forward to their return on the trails as they do tempis down the path!

The Teacher - Megan is my go-to for inspiration, knowledge and the occasional video of TC doing yoga stretches on the crossties at aenterspooking. Her journey with her young dressage prodigy these last few years has been so exciting, and it has also been comforting to see that a top rider and dressage teacher (and soon to be judge) also has bouts of anxiety and wanting to shut down her overly enthusiastic horse who wants to kill all the birds (or leaves). It makes her greatness seem more approachable. Lately she has been doing more trails in the gorgeous hills of the San Francisco Bay area so I can continue to live vicariously through her hoofprints.

I continue to track down new blogs through everyone's favorite blog lists and I can easily spend an hour a day checking out new posts. Im not as good about commenting because I can't seem to do it from my mobile tablet. But if you are on this list, you can be assured that I check out your new blogpost often within minutes of you posting and I am a big big fan!

Thanks for keeping things funny and real. In these times, it has become a great source of comfort.


  1. Aw, thanks for the shout out. I don't think anyone has ever described me as 'sweet' before. I think I will show this to Carmen and say 'SEE!' I expect much eye rolling....


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