Apple Pie Smoothie

Necessity is the mother of invention.

After a rough dental surgery today, I am now on a liquid diet and tied to my sofa to binge netflix for at least 2 days. Last night I had nightmares of my teeth being ripped out (usually sounds like strong velcro). Before the appointment I took a wonderful sedative prescribed by the dentist, and despite my anxieties and worries, it all went well. And no velcro sounds. More like a ratchet.

The short story is that the bone around two molar dental implants had been breeding a serious infection and the bone loss was severe, threatening the nearby real teeth. They popped the crowns on Monday, extracted the implants and set in the bone graft this morning. I have dozens of stitches on my left side, and am on a steady cocktail of antibiotics, antiimflammatories, steroids along with hourly ice packs and two page list of instructions.

Since I never have smoothies (too much sugar), I was looking forward to this part of the diet. Drinkable ice cream here I come! On my third attempt I hit the jackpot with this Apple Pie Smoothie. Ingredients: yogourt, applesauce, cinnamon, banana, a splash of maple syrup, and some almond milk to make it drinkable. OMG! More please!

The worst of the inflammation will probably hit tomorrow, but so far so good. And the crew are watching out for my Q while I am out of commission. But if things continue like this (knock on wood) I might head out on Sunday for a brief long reining session.


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