The weather outside is frightful

-12 degrees celsius. Mid November. Crazy.

But the trails were beautiful with fresh powder and blue skies. I made the grave mistake of NOT inserting pocket warmers in my boots and came back after an hour with blocks of ice where my feet used to be. It makes for quite the concussion when you jump out of the saddle.

I also made the grave mistake of thinking Q was chill today. Sure at a walk he was fine. But as soon as we started trotting or cantering he was full speed ahead. It didn’t help that our trail buddy was also on fire.

Usually the horses settle in the winter and are not quite so antsy. But this storm hit us for a loop and we haven’t yet hit the deep freeze slump that tends to quiet even the most fractious ones. So it was amped to 11.

Given my fragile physical state and energy these days, I chose to take it down a notch and just walk most of the way. Q is very fit these days and it would have required a good 20-30 minutes of hard cardio or strenuous gymnastics to cool his jets. It was unfortunate because the footing was glorious and it was our last outing on the wide trails that will now be handed over to the cross-country skiers.

My trail buddy made up for it with some great conversation and it was a lovely outing. This weekend we will hit the trails again but I will be better prepared for my amped and fit beast. I foresee some lunging in our future.


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