
The sun was out, the weather mild, and I decided to chance the trails. Well, lo and behold, it was awesome. Q continues to make me smile every time he stops and waits patiently as I try and get the best picture of our beautiful surroundings. Every once in a while he takes advantage of my distraction to grab a branch or a leaf ... or a big branch of leaves.

He walked tentatively on the snow covered ice, but conditions were such that he never slipped. We even got a chance for a short trot!

After that it was a yoga class, and now Im plunked on the sofa watching a cute movie called L’auberge Espagnole ... a nice reminder of our beautiful trip to Barcelona many years ago. A lovely day, blessed with a great horse and a lovely trail.  Namaste.


  1. Riding in the snow is so much fun

    1. YES YES YES
      Hopefully I can go out today and ride in the snow again! Fingers crossed.

  2. Replies
    1. Dom, coming from you that is a HIGH compliment ... as your (and Mikes) pictures are stunning!


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