Anger and Ice

Yesterday was spent at the dentist, getting stitches pulled out. Finally. It has been a long two weeks of apple sauce, yogourt and pureed soups.

The dentist appointment did not go great. They tried to clean around the surgical site and it sent my nerves on high alert, with searing pain. I left sore and frustrated that I still had more slurping to do.

By the time I got home I was hungry and raging, slamming doors and throwing objects into a blender. A very unusual emotional state for me to be in. And I was very thankful at that particular moment that I had NOT gone to the barn afterwards. This is an inappropriate emotion to subject my horse to.

Instead I had a nap, a good gin when hubby came home, and a great night sleep.

This morning I headed off to the barn to see a frightening site in the parking lot : ICE! With Q barefoot, ice and particularly slick ice like this is our nemesis. I slipped and slid my way to the barn door, and asked fellow boarders for a trail update. They said that it might be ok to walk once I got on the trails.

Turns out, things were MUCH better than that. We walked and trotted and had a lovely trail ride with buddy B most of the way and lots of fellow friends to chat with along the trail.

So I took a short video of us trotting down the trail so you can experience the crunchy footing of "almost ice" and the surefootedness of an andalusian gelding finding his own way. Love those ears!


  1. I am so sorry that your mouth is not better. I would be super cranky too. Maybe some strawberry daiquiris would help. They are essentially smoothies with a bit extra. 😁. I’m glad that the trails were good and you were able to a Funtime with Q.

    1. Fingers crossed the weather conditions are as good (or better) today!


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