Wow, brilliant fresh snow ride in springlike conditions

 -1C with soft squishy snow and lots of cantering and trotting on spongy footing. Q was brilliant, in part because I lunged him for 10 minutes before my ride and got the silly spooks and bucks out. By the end of the fast 50 minute ride, Q was tired. We havent had that fast a ride in months and it was a true delight.

Work is rough these days with too much piled on, plus a surprise emergency bathroom renovation and a massive social calendar. Which is why it was even sweeter to have a great quick ride with Q.

If I wasnt so embarassed, I would make a stupid video of me inventing words to imaginary songs in cadence with his loping stride as we navigate our wide trails while Q flicks his ears back at me. The songs have silly lyrics like “my Q is so sweet/riding is such a treat” 🤪 Its such freedom to be silly with my horse in the woods. Like a kid all over again.


  1. that just sounds lovely, but so damn cold! I don't know how you do it. It has been exceptionally cold for our area (yes, you'd laugh) and I can't even ride I'm too freezing! I think your singing would be a lovely video.

    1. it always surprises me how adaptable the human body is!


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