Changing Colours

Of course its the season of colourful transitions, but Q also has some changes of his own as I recently witnessed when the wind blew his mane over and *shock* it was white underneath!

Ive enjoyed some nice trails lately, taking it easy on the speed and ravines. The Fall foliage is coming along nicely. and I guess we have another 10 days to go before we hit peak colour. Surprising, since we started seeing our first colour almost a month ago. I would say this year the season is slow to mature. Perhaps a lack of cold and stormy weather?

Q is feeling good and is getting good with the daily stretches although he gets antsy when the carrot stretches happen, and Ive been bitten and stepped on. Partly my distraction, partly his exuberance.

A few pics of the latest colours.


  1. It's such a beautiful time of year. I love it. Carmen's mane is also doing the same thing. It looks cool when braided but I love her dark mane and will miss it when it's all white.

  2. Gorgeous colors. And I do love watching grays change color as the seasons pass...

    1. Very true! A celebration of transformation!


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