D Day

Yesterday Q had his dental appointment and overall checkup. Turns out, Q got fat and gained 18 kg (40 lbs) in 3.5 months, going from 414 kg to 432 kg, and going up one point on the condition scale (5 to 6) and cresty neck scale (0 to 1) Doc also detected a slight heart murmur (maybe a leaky valve, will check again this fall) for the first time. So today was D-Day.





No more carrots, peppermints, grazing, or bananas. Restricted hay (yes, micronet Im glad I have you) and increasing the intensity of the exercise.

So today we headed out early and did 6.4 km in 52 minutes which is a pace of 7.4 km/h. Thats a short warmup/cooldown at a walk and trotting the rest of the way. Poor Q was in a sweat when we got back.

Cool shower, roll in the sand, and repeat this weekend.


  1. Poor Q!! I am sure that hitting the trails will help.


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