Melting away

Ahhh yesterday was such bliss. It is my third trail ride in 4 days, each one varying between 80-110 minutes. Good practice for my upcoming riding marathon in 7 weeks. My hip pain has flared today but it was worth it for the 80 minutes of sunshine and good footing yesterday as we were able to tackle some of our more frozen landscapes.

Some of the trails in the deciduous forest were pretty dry, as were many of the wider and sun exposed trails. It was a glorious 15C and blue skies, so we were out and about in sweaters only. The more frozen trails had mushy ice which was just perfect for this barefoot team. Still lots of puddles which Q likes to suck on.

Hoping for another day like this on Friday, where we might venture out into sector 1 for the first time in a month. If we can make it past the icy winter ravine, we can access the likely very dry, sandy and sun exposed trails for our first glorious trots and canters of the season.

Im looking forward to mix up my riding plans with some long and slow walking trails (2-3 hours, eventually 4-5) and some short and fast trails (less than an hour with lots of canters). Just need the weather to cooperate. I dont want to burn out my horse as its my endurance we have to work on. 

A surprise hail storm on Sunday made me happy for my new oilskin

The skies were grey on Sunday and eventually shifted to rain (then hail 😣)


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