When -10C feels warm

Went out today with buddy L and we tackled the sector 3 across the road in some of the mildest weather we’ve had in a month. The day started out at -20C but as the sun rose in the sky and warmed the air, it landed in the single negative digits after noon. It was good enough that we were able to survive field crossings and a long walking pace for 2 hours! It was my longest ride since fall.

The footing wasnt great, in what we like to call “punchy”. The caveat of groomed trails is that when the foliage is light (deciduous) and the hoof traffic is sparse, the grooming machine evens out the terrain but makes it evenly unbearable as the horses punch through every third hoof. The snow isnt so deep, but when it gets to 6 inches or more it makes the trail a real slog. Thats when Q starts grunting and groaning at me.

Most of the trails near my barn are exceptional footing. But when we venture out we must be more cautious and slow our speed down. So walking it is. And that can be rough when the temperatures drop.

Seems like my husband is going to hook me up with some GoPros soon so Ill be able to get some good footage at speed. Something to look forward to!


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