
Ive never ridden in a blizzard with white outs. It was wild, and I almost turned back a few times. Q was totally nonchalant as I got a chance to let him run in the arena beforehand where he bucked a minimum of 20 times. Buck to the left, buck to right, flying leaping buck with a crack in the back, bolting buck, and of course the “i want to roll but she keeps chasing me” annoyed hopping buck.

Winds started blowing at gusts of 70 km/h when we were in the woods, and I watched the trees sway as they dropped their fresh wet snow and create white-outs. I was blinded more than once and just let Q take the reins.

When the wind died down, the forest was magical. Narnia.

When we got back to the barn, and put the horses away, the clouds disappeared, the wind was gone and the sun brightened up the blue skies. Too bad I was driving home by then.


  1. Replies
    1. I was worried about trees falling, horses bolting … but never about getting lost as we were always 10 minutes from home.


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