The ladder of trust

A new year. Paradise gone, now its curfew, confinement and constraints in the land of cold and dark. Death notices of friends are rolling in. Not covid related, but massive heart attacks way too young. Another reminder to embrace every moment. Carpe Diem.

The trip home was eventful with flight cancellations and a sense of feeling stranded in a sea of panic. But it all turned out ok, with my husband the ever flexible planner in emergencies. He found us a red eye flight on an empty plane which allowed me to stretch out across three seats and literally take a nap on the way home. 

Today I made it to the barn, with a blanket of fresh snow. When my Q got over his surprise at seeing me after 5 weeks, all he wanted was a proper ear scratch. The one place on his body he wont let anyone else touch. He was groomed and lunged while I was gone, but was happy to get some love.

I dont usually ride my first day out after a long absence as Q usually needs some bonding and connection time to regain the trust we have. But with the blanket of snow, and the possibility of ice conditions this week, I decided to try. Q is turning 9 in two months, and we have so much banked riding time this year. I figured I would try. Keep it quiet, at a walk, and just go for a stroll.

Well, he was hoof perfect. A bit tense at times, a bit looky, a bit fast in spots … but many moments of deep breaths, stretching down and relaxation. And of course the woods was a balm for my soul. And Q, gave me goosebumps as he would flick me an ear.


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