23C and we are feeling fine!

What a lovely week! Blue skies, sunshine, and very warm days with temperatures hitting 23C. The trails are still covered in snow and some ice, which gives off the refrigerator vibe, but the sun is beating hard and making me wish for shorts and a t-shirt. We had our longest ride in weeks, heading out under the power lines, and then back through a forest. The snow was deep enough for a good stretch that the horses got a good workout even if we only walked. Q was breathing hard, and his buddy was in a full sweat.

Winter coats (and shedding) are still here, so they havent quite adapted to the warmer climate. We even saw some butterflies today! 

Another week of this hot bonanza, and we should have our WTC tracks back in action. minus a muddy patch or two.


  1. It feels so good this time of year when the weather starts to warm up.


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