
Showing posts from November, 2021

Line in the sand

“Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too.” - Marcus Aurelius

Back in the saddle

Annual Trail Rides 208/200 (Bareback 31/40) Eight days to go until departure and while I was itching to get back in the saddle, my ribs are just taking a very long time to get better. I spend lots of time resting, lying on heating pads, taking anti inflammatories and avoiding the lifting, twisting and strain that might cause reinjury. Unfortunately I also like to sleep, and sometimes I would twist at night and then set my injury back a few days. Today I was hopeful, and feeling pretty good. No obvious pain. I headed out, with much warning from my husband that I must be careful, avoid all injuries and definitely not get covid. We are in the final countdown. A fellow boarder lent me a back brace and while it felt too tight and uncomfortable, it turned out to be amazing. I wasn’t sure where Q’s head was at after 10 days without exercise and the cool weather of November, so we went for a free lunge in the arena. Nothing exciting, but he got to blow, buck and run around. I thought he was ch...


Annual Trail Rides: 207/200 (Bareback 31/40) Ive been struggling this week with my bruised ribs. Im struggling to sleep because every move hurts. Getting up hurts. Opening doors hurts. Sitting down hurts. Pushing a 35lb saddle on my 16 hand horse? 😂 Today I bundled up for a quiet ride with my horse thinking I would just go for a short walk. My horse was feeling fresh. I was not. Every step hurt. My horse wanted to spook at a stump that had a ray of sunshine. I did not. I dragged myself back, got off, and decided there would be no more rides until I am feeling better. Its too difficult to ride a fresh horse when you aren’t feeling 100%. Your body becomes tight and tentative, bracing for pain. Your breathing becomes shallow. Just no fun. So that might be the last one for 2021, but its been a pretty solid year! In two weeks its off to sunny weather and hopefully lots of therapeutic ocean bathing! 

View from the ground

Annual Trail Rides: 204/200 (Bareback 31/40) Well I was having some thoughts on the way to the barn ... I haven't had my unplanned dismount for 2021 and I only have 3 weeks to go before we leave. And so today, I had my ONE for 2021. Everything was going really well, but I was determined to try a planned canter bareback (as opposed to the involuntary bolting gallop bareback that happened the day before). I trotted some, felt pretty good. And then I hit a spot with a slightly sloping hill and asked. Unfortunately Q didn't think I was very serious (or stable) so he only hit stride towards the top of the hill. The first few strides felt good. As we crested the hill I was leaning forward and on top of his shoulder. Q did a sidestep right leaving me hanging mid air over where his left shoulder was. He then moved more right and I was a goner ... heading straight for a young tree that bisected me in the chest. I saw the tree coming, thinking, oh shit. I was hoping to not crash my head ...

The teacher strikes again

Annual Trail Rides 203/200 (Bareback 30/40) Two interesting episodes happened over the last week that really challenged my perceptions. My teacher Q served my learnings quite effectively and have left me scratching my head as to when I imposed these self-limitations. Episode 1: The Hunter The Background We have some interesting forest trails that are very narrow (sometimes 3 feet between 100 year old pine trees) and very bendy (sometimes turning 130 degrees around a tree). It makes for an interesting bend and yield exercise and these trails are often quite popular with the riders. Sometimes it is a great place to hide in the woods with very little traffic and zero sleighs/buggies. Occasionally there are deer hiding in there as well. Some of my past horses were brilliant at trotting and cantering through these paths, and never gave my knees a moments worry. Some of these paths are worse (more narrow, more bends) than others. One particular trail #31 is the worst of them all.  Some o...

Pumpkin Spice and the empty cup

Annual Trail Rides 202/200 (Bareback 29/40) Ive been reminded of the zen proverb about the empty cup a few times these last few months, and I think it is such a powerful analogy when it comes to learning and growth. Obviously, horses are an incredible catalyst to self-awareness, learning and growth and my Q is no exception. The zen proverb is based on a zen master receiving a student who has come to learn but spends all his time explaining to the master his great accomplishments and successes. The zen master invites him to tea and then proceeds to filling his tea cup until it is overflowing. The student exclaims while the tea is spilling over the the table, and the zen master says "you are like this cup. Overfilled. I can not add to your learning until you empty your cup." Its come to my attention recently that Q prompted me to empty my cup a few years ago, and it continues to be something I am working on. It started when he first arrived, and I could not touch his ears or pu...