Sweaty eyeballs

One fine morning with blue skies and sunshine we set out to do some canter work in the outdoor ring. We started with a five minute warm-up walk, a few minutes of trotting serpentines, and then did 10 minutes of 30m canter circles with simple changes, reverse loops, and some halt-canter-halt and walk-canter-walk transitions. By the end I was sweaty, thirsty and exhausted. My back was in spasms. We occasionally took a one minute break to do some trail obstacles like the bridge and balancing beam, but we mostly cantered with a few hand gallops thrown in. It all lasted less than 30 minutes.

I then proceeded to do a cool-down short trail and check the dragons energy. Lo and behold, the dragon was not quite tame. He still proceeded to sprint down the trail. So we kept on trotting and cantering and about ten minutes later he finally chilled out. 

The dragon was tamed.

But it took my back two days to recover.

Yesterday I crawled back into the saddle for a restorative ride and Q was glorious albeit just a bit fast. It is nice to see him fit and happy. And occasionally get a glimpse of the dragon inside.


  1. How to tame your dragon: step 1- make sure it's too hot for shenanigans. :D

    1. Oh yes definitely! This hot summer makes my horse generally zen and so I am more confident to try crazy things. Fingers crossed for the coming fall.


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