And then the light changed

We are in “back-to-school” mode with classes starting for me in 2 days. Lots of organizing to happen before then, plus the first trip to the hairdresser in months. It was awesome to dump 10 inches of hair to the floor! 

And today delivered the first “feels-like-fall” day even though we still have another 25 days of summer to go. Weather dropped to 16C, and with blue skies and bright sun that has changed its angle in the Northern Hemisphere ... well ... every colour just seemed crisper.

It was also a reunion of sorts for my first trailride with B and his horse Shadow. Shadow had two bad bouts of colic back to back in May and has been in recovery rehab after his two hospital stays. The events were brought on by a vet giving an incorrect dosage for a medication to help with headshaking. 10x overdose. Since the medication also has a sedative effect, the horse stopped drinking ... in the middle of a heatwave. Impaction colic.

So for the rest of the summer, Shadow was taken off hay and grain and on a slushy soup for 6 weeks. He was lunged and groomed but no riding. B got back in the saddle this week as if nothing had happened. With covid, the confinement, the colic and recovery ... B has only ridden his horse a few times since February. I was happy to see them back on trail.

And the headshaking? So far, its gone. One can only hope ...

With the drop in weather and my husbands warning that Q might be saucy today, I took him out to the big ring and let him run. He was having a jolly good time galloping laps. A good sprinter that Andalusian is. Fun to watch.

After that we went out on trail to meet B and had a lovely ride. I kept on going after B went to his barn and got an awesome uphill cadenced canter. Q was definitely forward, but the kind that makes me giggle not mad. And when we got to our corner to turn home he did a prompt and lovely turn on the haunches away from home.

Good boy! Lots of carrots, bananas, peppermints and stud muffins were had.


  1. It's gotten cool here too. And very very breezy. It should be a fun ride tonight.


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