Soul soothing after a rough week

I have been knee deep in a heavy workload this last week as we finished up the last Masters presentations, coordinated grading and enabled these bright young professionals to graduate. And in five weeks we start allover again with a new cohort. Much planning and organizing is going on, zoom-style.

So its been a rather sparse week for riding. But after a couple of days busy at work I finally had a sliver of time to head to the barn. I tacked up, mounted up, and headed for the trailhead some 100 feet from the mounting block. I can’t express how much joy I took in knowing I had a reliable horse to saunter down the trails without much care in the world (despite the trail accident of 2 days ago).

It was so enjoyable that for the first few minutes as I thought through my trail plan, I considered just doing a short quiet walk on the buckle and just chill. Ha ha ha. Five minutes later I was jogging down the trail with some really exceptional lopes where Q is learning to stay in rhythm on the buckle. He has struggled to maintain rhythm at the faster gaits on trail where he is always more forward. It seems like he might finally be getting it.

His transitions to the left lope are smooth and seamless, but I need to work on the right lead. He will do it no problem in the arena, but on the trail he struggles to take the right without a clear aid of leg and reins ... and even then he often chooses the easier option. Im sure Im part of the problem, as I have a sticky 50 year old left hip that is hindering my seat.

I was back in the barn 40 minutes later with a slightly sweaty horse and a big smile on my face. Just what the doctor ordered.

Blue sky, great horse. This guy is my one and only.


  1. Sounds wonderful. every horse has a preferred lead so that is likely what it going on.

    1. Yes, the left is definitely preferred, and Im happy he easily gives me the right in the arena. Now, to go spend some more time in the arena ... :-)


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