Recipe for bananas

Q loves bananas green, ripe and black. He seems to have a limit of two before the banana mush starts to stick to his mouth and he drools. Because of his fondness, we always buy extra bananas to spoil him. In a good week he might even get 8-10 bananas.

Banana bread is a cliché of the Covid confinement, and usually we never have any leftover bananas to bake this treat. But 6 out of the last 8 weeks I was not able to go to the barn and we needed to do something with the black bananas. And I had an abundance of buttermilk getting old.

So this recipe for banana bread, or muffins, was born out of necessity and constraint. Please do not tell Q. He knows how to hold a grudge.

The recipe is super forgiving and bananas can even be substituted for a cup of zucchini, or mashed squash. Apples would probably work too. Nuts can be added instead of chocolate chips, or they can be eliminated entirely.

The key is the slow and low bake. It transforms the bread. That same analogy could probably apply to many other situations. Q agrees.


  1. I have a similar recipe that uses sour cream instead of buttermilk

    1. oooh, sour cream would be lovely ... and maybe yogourt could work as well. It is a very forgiving recipe. Have you made any banana bread lately?

    2. Yoghurt would work too. I make it often. I freeze bananas when they are over ripe so I always have some on hand.


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