Kisses and social distancing

Epic. The massive and exponential spread of COVID19 and rapid changes in public policy is nothing short of epic. I sit here watching countless hours of press conferences across Canada and USA, witnessing the closure of borders and President Trump finally changing his tone of casual disregard to one of concern and action. Finally!

I must say that the ladies have been the real stars of these press conferences. Serious, well informed, empathetic and firm. True leadership. Our provincial premier Legault has also been stupendous. His bold moves before the number of cases had exceeded 20 in a provincial population of 7M stunned us all, but also spurred our inert institutions, like my University, to action. Finally!

So Im on voluntary isolation. Not quarantine, and I still go outside for brief shopping, walks around the neighbourhood and a few short visits to the barn. But Ive curbed my movements by 98%. My hope is that my isolation stays voluntary during the next 2-6 weeks. Even my little freedoms are precious to me.

I stayed away from the barn over the weekend because there was no need for me to be there when everyone else was also. But I did go this morning and had a great lunging session, plenty of grooming and stole some kisses. Q was happy for the attention and even happier for all the treats I was giving. Nicker treats, apple crunch, peppermints, and the almighty carrot.

I didnt hang around for coffee, and kept 6 feet away from anybody in the barn. I washed my hands thoroughly (I probably wash those hands 100 of times a day because I simply can not seem to stop touching my face!) and avoided touching anything unnecessarily. But it was so nice to get out of the house and spend some quality time with my horse.

Footing conditions on trail are at their worst ever. Rain, freeze, ice, yuck. So being barefoot we are condemned to the indoor probably for another 2-3 weeks. So its a good time to be stuck at home. But I still hope to sneak out to the barn for kisses and carrots every couple of days. Probably more for my own sanity. Every bit helps.


  1. I'm going to be working from home starting tomorrow. Looking forward to hunkering down on my little farm. Ironically enough, everyone in our province is practicing security except for health authorities. They are driving me nutty.

  2. Nice choice of halter. I have two exactly like yours. One in use, and one on my living room wall, Baasha's.


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