Still like water

It’s been a long time since my last blog. Life has been like galloping through a field of gopher holes ... a nice wink to my 2022 expedition in Alberta. Lots of moving pieces, an excessive workload, and a few incidents that left me perplexed and bruised.

The increase in workload was directly correlated to my decrease in riding time. I was quite pleased that I could still show up at the barn 1-2 times a week and enjoy a ride. Sometimes it was more exciting than I wanted, and sometimes it was just sheer bliss. On one of my more blissful rides, Q was feeling soft, and shall I say, a little bit lazy. We were loping along the sandy trails when, BANG, he trips, falls on his face, and I go flying over his head to land in a shoulder roll in some very soft cushy sand. My thigh was grabbed by the pommel on the way down which left me bruised for about a week.

But Q's face as he stood over me, his bridle askew, wondering what just happened. Priceless.

Then there was the day where he had a swollen sheath. Had the vet check him out, but as he had no fever, we decided to wait and see. Two days later, all was better, so we are guessing it was a bug bite.

Light is now showing at the end of this dark tunnel, and my riding time has increased. Ive taken to enjoy my lunch while Q grazes after our rides. Im back to riding 3 times a week, and even if our loping fail left us a little insecure, we are back to cantering on trail and reminding myself to sit back and keep my mind still like water. ;-)


  1. Ouch. I’m glad you were okay. Trips can be scary.

    1. I was happy for a soft sandy landing 😳

  2. I am glad that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you weren't hurt worse. I have to admit I chuckled at the photo of his bridle askew after the fall. He looks perplexed. I love the imagery of "still like water". I need to picture that when I'm on Booger...


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