
Showing posts from October, 2022

Another series of beautiful days

Autumn is still here but most of the leaves have now fallen. The days are getting cooler (8c) and while we still have bright sunny days, frost warnings are now abundant. A few more weeks of this paradise before I drop to the other side of the planet to enjoy 2 more months of summer in Argentina. I will miss this and Q of course, but it will be a good break in the routine.

A timestamp for half a century

There is something different about birthdays that end in 0. A silly human tradition, but one I embrace as well. I can honestly say that this birthday has me at my highest level of contentment. My 20th birthday was in a context of uncertainty, my 30th birthday was in the turmoil of massive change, my 40th birthday was in a context of newly married but professionally dissatisfied ... which brings me to this day. Today, I am healthy and strong. Nothing hurts today (although that's not always true) and my body seeks fresh air, movement and the beauty of nature. Today, I am in a wonderful relationship with my husband who I adore. The experiences we create and embrace are magical, no matter if they happen in our backyard or on the other side of the planet.  Today, I work for joy. Gone are the days where I am chasing promotions, raises, rewards and approval. I pick my projects and gigs based on the joy and energy they provide me. I rearrange my schedule to accommodate my lifestyle. I work...

Autumn Scenery

Another one of those gorgeous autumn days, where the skies turn cartoon blue, and the sun strikes the colourful leaves with just the right angle to create an illuminating effect. I did this 13 km ride 2/3 riding, and 1/3 on foot to keep building up my endurance for my upcoming Patagonia trek. It went well, but with the mercury climbing to 15C, I started getting overheated mighty quick. Q, not even a drop of sweat on him. We also saw our first cow! Boy Q was surprised. Now actually it was a calf, two in fact, but he doesn't know the difference of course. Except that something smelled different, and was slightly hiding behind a conifer hedge. Made for a pretty stance though. He also got spooked by a painted concrete stump. It took us a few extra minutes to approach this one, as he was sure it was the devil hiding behind that black face. Looked like a ghost to me. 

That split second decision

That split second, after your horse has spooked, dropped and spun … when you are unseated but still are able to pull up the reins (partly for balance), when the horse could continue with a bolt, buck, or more spinning … but instead, in that split second, the horse makes the good choice. Ears back on you, head up, as you rebalance on his back, waiting. And then the horse proceeds to turn back on the trail and continue almost as if nothing happened (even if said horse is feeling a little “light” in the feet). As soon as I rebalanced myself, I let out a big YOUPPI in celebration for Qs maturity and good choices in challenging circumstances. And my ability to keep my almost 50 yr old non athletic body almost centered in the bareback pad.  It was pissing rain today, so I chose the bareback and fluffy hackamore for a nice short quiet walk in the woods while I washed his saddle pad and girth. It was a lovely colorful walk, even if we stayed in the protection of the conifers. It allowed fo...

Changing Colours

Of course its the season of colourful transitions, but Q also has some changes of his own as I recently witnessed when the wind blew his mane over and *shock* it was white underneath! Ive enjoyed some nice trails lately, taking it easy on the speed and ravines. The Fall foliage is coming along nicely. and I guess we have another 10 days to go before we hit peak colour. Surprising, since we started seeing our first colour almost a month ago. I would say this year the season is slow to mature. Perhaps a lack of cold and stormy weather? Q is feeling good and is getting good with the daily stretches although he gets antsy when the carrot stretches happen, and Ive been bitten and stepped on. Partly my distraction, partly his exuberance. A few pics of the latest colours.

4 weeks later

The biggest news is I have a new phone and there is a clear improvement in the quality of pictures. The other big news is that I thought I broke my pony. 😢 Our club has organized a month long derby, based on distance goals. The competition ranks riders inside a category and gives the top mileage a prize … and bragging rights. Bunnies were under 50km, gazelles were 51 to 250 km, and the warhorse was over 250 km.  I immediately signed us up for the warhorse. And then I did our first ride trying to crack 20 km in 2.5 hrs. I was sore for a few days, and Q started acting funny. At first I thought it was the hackamore I was trying out. He was bolting for no reason while we would be trotting or cantering on trail. One day he bolted 5-6 times. 🤷‍♀️  Then I noticed his back was sore when I went to brush him. I took 10 days off riding, and walked the trails with him instead. I booked him a massage, and she confirmed what I was thinking. Q is sore on the left hind and in the left lumba...