That split second, after your horse has spooked, dropped and spun … when you are unseated but still are able to pull up the reins (partly for balance), when the horse could continue with a bolt, buck, or more spinning … but instead, in that split second, the horse makes the good choice. Ears back on you, head up, as you rebalance on his back, waiting. And then the horse proceeds to turn back on the trail and continue almost as if nothing happened (even if said horse is feeling a little “light” in the feet). As soon as I rebalanced myself, I let out a big YOUPPI in celebration for Qs maturity and good choices in challenging circumstances. And my ability to keep my almost 50 yr old non athletic body almost centered in the bareback pad. It was pissing rain today, so I chose the bareback and fluffy hackamore for a nice short quiet walk in the woods while I washed his saddle pad and girth. It was a lovely colorful walk, even if we stayed in the protection of the conifers. It allowed fo...