4 weeks later

The biggest news is I have a new phone and there is a clear improvement in the quality of pictures.

The other big news is that I thought I broke my pony. 😢

Our club has organized a month long derby, based on distance goals. The competition ranks riders inside a category and gives the top mileage a prize … and bragging rights. Bunnies were under 50km, gazelles were 51 to 250 km, and the warhorse was over 250 km. 

I immediately signed us up for the warhorse. And then I did our first ride trying to crack 20 km in 2.5 hrs. I was sore for a few days, and Q started acting funny.

At first I thought it was the hackamore I was trying out. He was bolting for no reason while we would be trotting or cantering on trail. One day he bolted 5-6 times. 🤷‍♀️ 

Then I noticed his back was sore when I went to brush him.

I took 10 days off riding, and walked the trails with him instead.

I booked him a massage, and she confirmed what I was thinking. Q is sore on the left hind and in the left lumbar. Both hips were also sore. She suggested some stretches.

2 more days off.

I got back on tentatively this week for a short walk. Q was a blowing monster dragon and I wasn't sure if I would be able to leave the parking lot. Was it the lack of exercise in 2 weeks? Was it the drop in temperature? Was it lingering soreness?


I tried again the following day and went for a short hack with a friend, adding some trotting. He felt good. I was relieved.

We tried again with a bigger group a few days after that. Q was crabby. Was it the proximity of the other horses or was it lingering soreness? I did some stretching. It seemed to work.


Finally yesterday I decided to do a proper test. I refused anyone who wanted to join me. I had a mission. We did 20 minutes, with a 5 minute trot, and then I asked for canter departs on both leads. No crabbiness, lovely rhythmic gaits, no bolting.

Ok, so I think we are out of the danger zone but Ill need to be careful adding long distance with fast pace. Clearly he has limitations even if sometimes it feels like he doesn't.

And we are booked for another massage in a few weeks. Meanwhile, its stretching exercises every day for each leg (but especially the left hind) plus a wide variation of carrot and cat stretches which Q is getting pretty good at. He certainly loves any stretches that involve carrots.

Some pics from the last weeks.


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