Busting Out!

In 10 weeks we will be going somewhere. We haven’t yet decided where, and of course we aren’t 100% in control. But somewhere, anywhere, will be where we are. Its fun and exciting to plan adventures to places you know nothing about. With everything at my fingertips it makes for accessible amounts of information that is also overwhelming. Analysis paralysis anyone?

Q tossed his neck at me. A first, as we approach our 6th Gotchya and Bday anniversary. And our fifth year of riding bliss. Now in hindsight I am confidently able to express my utter gratitude at how easy Q was to start under saddle. For years I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, and so I would never say (for fear of jinxing myself and some terrible, potentially deadly accident to happen) how reliable a horse he had become.

Qs reliability has very little to do with my skill, and much more to do with our connection, bond and mutual trust. He is very cued in to me, and Im usually very cued in to him. We read each other well, and I work hard to keep his anxiety under threshold. I think his breed, and breeding, has something to do with this. His mom was the same.

So, weather kept riding and turnout this week on minimum. Q gave me no signs of excess energy. We walked out on trail, trotted a bit despite questionable footing, watched for errant dogs wanting to chase us, and then as we started heading back I asked him if he wanted to trot. And he threw his head up in the air and tossed his neck at me … the universal horse symbol for “HECK YA!” I shut that down immediately with a growl and a shortened rein and them we proceeded to walk the rest of the way home.

I think my Q needs to get about run and buck. Ill try and do that before my next ride, as there is much fresh snow powder on the ground.


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