The turnaround specialist

Annual Trail Rides 195/200 (Bareback 27/40)

My birthday started with a foul mood. Exhausted from an excessive week of work and teaching, personal emotions bubbling hard and fast, I ran to the barn hoping I would not have to entertain anyone nor engage in any real conversation. Q ran to the gate to greet me, and despite his chill demeanour after my absence for a week and the chilliest day of the year yet … I pulled out the lunge line.

Q was lazy, but I thought he was just hiding his fiery dragon. We did quick work of some lovely trot-canter-trot transitions on the lunge, did some groundwork with the trail obstacles, and then I tacked up. It took me 20 minutes of trotting and cantering to finally believe that Q was just trying to be a good horse on my special day. The next 40 minutes were pure delight as I stopped waiting for the weasel to pop out.

There is just something about horses. They turn our frowns upside down, and are the perfect turnaround specialist. For me, on this day, Q gave me such a grand sense of gratitude. The weather, while brisk, was blue skies and sunshine. We saw almost nobody on trail so we tracked at speed without any worries. And Q was as steady as they come. I squeaked out some giggles before the ride was done.


  1. Such a good boy. I know thst feeling of not wanting to talk to any more people! Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you! A horse is the perfect friend to a closet introvert. 😁


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