“Im not brave, Im thorough” (W.S)

Annual Trail Rides: 197/200 (Bareback 28/40)

Topped the birthday weekend with some extra special solo rides where we went off exploring new trails and stayed confident despite the roar of a rogue dirt bike that was threatening my peace and sanity. Q, as usual, was unphased by everything except the big pile of rocks. Mucho speed was engaged and we refound our canter on the buckle.

Today it was back on bareback where Q sent me into a big bouncy trot and I was giggling until … my phone fell out of my pocket. I jumped down. and then 🤷‍♀️ wondered how I would get back on! Thanks to our new forest management friends, we have some stumps turned into mounting blocks and so I decided to give it a go!

I must give thanks to the time I spent teaching Q to sidepass to any object I desire and then stand stock still while I scramble back on bareback. Although I felt like Goldilocks, the first mounting block was too big … but the next one was just right. And so I learned that all that time doing groundwork … or as Warwick says “being thorough” pays off dividends years later. 


  1. Teaching Carmen to sidle up to the mounting block was one the best things I have done with her. Glad your phone was unharmed.

  2. Love the fall colors and giggled at the Goldilocks mounting blocks. What a good boy! I love the quote at the beginning. I feel like it should be my business slogan.

    1. Yes! One of the local trainers was explaining to her client why I was doing so much groundwork and basic training when I started Q … the trainer called it “insurance”. It pays dividends!


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