Whirling 1 8 0

Annual Trail Rides: 180/200 (Bareback: 24/40)

Rode three times today including one drill team practice in the arena which was a surprise and novelty as I have not ridden inside in 6+ months.

I started out with a quiet bareback hack around the woods, following our fearless leader as she begins rehab on her pretty boy.

The barn crew was supposed to head out to a local show next month and this morning was going to be a practice flat class. My intention was to join them as a whirling dervish and do the silly things that silly riders do in competition (pass too close, cut you off, ride too slow) so that the newbies could be better prepared for the silliness of a hack class.

But it seems that the show might be canceled so they converted practice to a drill team practice and it was tons of fun. My Q was pretty darn good and precise and malleable for a horse with very little ring time.

We ended with a cool down trail ride and thats a wrap for the 18th milestone of this series.


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