Taking Risks and Getting Better

Annual Trail Rides: 176/200 (Bareback 23/40)

The weather is gorgeous and the forecast plans for much of the same for the next five days: blue skies, warm but cool, just barely sweater weather. Despite my reluctance to cross the busy highway when riding solo, I gave myself an extra boost of courage and giddy upped. I have only gone to sector 5 twice this year, in part because nobody wants to cross the highway ... but it was just too gorgeous a day to ride my regular routes.

The second issue is the possibility of falling (Ouch) and being solo, that my horse abandons me to high tail it home, crossing the highway at a gallop and ... tragedy ensues. But my steady Q has been hoof perfect these days, so I squashed those fears and carried on.

I got some lovely gallops in and then got to the long track where I had my big fall in 2019. With some trepidation, but armed with all of our amazing galloping of the last two years, I asked and Q was OFF like a QH racehorse. I pulled him back a bit because I didn't want to race but let him hold a good hand gallop.

It was going well and then WOOSH as Q spotted a fallen white birch glowing in the sunshine, slammed on the brakes and dove into the forest with me half hanging on his neck. But this time, different from 2019, he stopped and ate the green buffet in the bush while I scrambled my ass back in the saddle. I then giggled at him, backed him out of the bush, took a picture of the offending object and then promptly GALLOPED OFF! ❤️ 

Last days of summer!


  1. I love this. Taking risks is not about being okay with it but about having the confidence to deal with what comes.

  2. I am so far behind on reading blogs, but your posts and photos always make me smile.


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