Chilly 9 0

Annual Trail Rides: 90/200

The fire breathing dragon is sleeping. In fact, he was so sleepy while I was grooming him this week that he was startled when I tossed the saddle on his back. Even with a few days off last week, and the cooler weather that had other horses snorting, bolting and spooking ... my Q was cool as a cucumber.

Of course, the little hamster in my brain starts thinking this isn't normal, that maybe we need to increase his feed, maybe he's running a fever, maybe Im overworking him, maybe maybe ... but at the end of the day, he is prompt on the aids, and is happy to trot and canter out everywhere. He is just such a solid citizen.

I also have gotten very chill. Things are good, health is good, and Im sleeping an amazing 8 hours solid almost every night. My secret? Reducing processed food and sugar. 

So maybe Q is chill because I am chill? Regardless, we have a good time on the trails and its super relaxing! Except when he pulls me around to eat a tree. Then, not so much.


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