Love me those radar ears

Annual Trail Rides: 66/200

Its been a good week with some solo and accompanied rides. I preferred my solo rides this week, to be honest. I think I needed the quiet of a no pressure ride where I didn’t have to worry about somebody else. Cases still on the rise here during our third wave, and so confinement rules are rising with a shutdown of interprovincial borders.

Qs canter is continuing to improve, especially for his leads and steady pace. Sometimes he gets too slow and drops to a trot, so I usually need to prime him with my inside leg to keep going. Or at least keep that leg ready to prime. The spring sillies have mostly abated, but probably because I rode so often this week (six times).

Today I went out with a new boarder friend and we had a fabulous time riding the trails for 2 hours and learning about each other. We met lots of families walking out, and as usual we were asked if they could take our picture. My standard reply these days is yes, if they send me the pic. So today we got a good pic of us on the trails enjoying the sunshine and dry weather. 

This next week the rain and cold is coming our way so I will probably slack on the riding and get some work done.


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