Stops and starts

Annual Trail Rides: Zero Progress as trails are too icy 😢

Well that was amusing! Condemned to the indoor arena, and on a very cold and blustery day, we did some groundwork with the flag and then proceeded to ride. I wanted to test the Mark Rashid (and Ray Hunt) concept of energy with Q and see how he would respond.

Q was feeling very relaxed and mellow so he followed me to the mounting block like a puppy and I got on. I took my time there, gave him a peppermint, put on my gloves, got settled. I then sat for a minute and tuned in to myself, breathed and stayed still. Then I raised my energy and directed it to Q. He lifted his head up and we walked on.

The first few minutes were amusing especially when I tried to do my first halt, by energy only. First of all I realized that I am not very tuned in to my own energy. Second, Q was confused. Halting with energy eventually would happen, but several strides later. And it's really hard to keep your energy off when your horse is still walking for several strides.

As time progressed, I would find Q really trying to connect, and sometimes even telling me he understood. But the responses were still pretty slow. The upwards transitions were much easier. That's interesting.

At one point during a trot, I definitely felt something. Like joy. It felt like Q was communicating joy to me. Joy and energy. And he definitely wanted to go fast. Meanwhile I was focusing on getting him in the path and direction of my choosing. To an outside observer, it probably looked like I was a drunken sailor as I would use my weight (instead of my reins and legs) to shift him in the right direction.

I then picked up the reins and wanted to try for a nice connected trot, with a soft feel on the reins. Q gave me some of the best work we have ever done in a trot and he really tried very hard. I was using the reins as "gifts" and holding oh so briefly during a leg yield or transition. When we were done he did a lovely stretchy trot that we have struggled to master. Great progress.

I finished off with some side passes, back ups, and then halt-canter-halt transitions. On the second try, Q jumped to a canter with my energy, and then after a half-circle, slid to a halt when I shut the energy off. I patted his neck, jumped off, and gave him a peppermint. What a good boy!

So, this is what we shall work on for a bit. Energy on and energy off.


  1. Well done. I’m struggling more with this but felt a mini break through today.

    1. Yes it is a struggle at times. Today my horse was tense, and it's pretty impossible to communicate to an animal that is in survival flight mode.


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