Roadblock and rabbit holes

Annual Trail Rides: 48/200

Thanks to Teresa and Gail of blogland, I found myself tumbling down a rabbit hole of Mark Rashid listening to the recent podcast with Warwick Schiller, and reading the book Life Lessons from a Ranch Horse. On top of that, I just watched 5+ hours of DVD horse training with Ray Hunt, the grandfather of all things horsemanship. I am hooked, and can't wait to start my next Rashid book (and oldie) "Considering the Horse".

The idea of energy flow between human and horse, and the ability to tap into this flow to communicate, is something I am ready to dive into. Ive always been a big proponent of lightness and softness, but the concept of energy and mutual communication is not something I do consistently. My horse of course is impatient to get started as he showed me today while working in the arena just how good he is at side passing without me grabbing at the reins.

And that brings me to my next tidbit: the trails are now inaccessible. The narrow trails are hard packed and slippery, and the wide trails are punching through. So we have a week or two of arena work ahead of us until we can get out into the big fields again for some fun. Im not too sad. We have had an amazing run of 2.5 months of great footing and conditions, and I did get in 3 solid trail rides this week.

Im thinking Im going to work on mindfulness on my arena rides and see just how light I can get those transitions. It should make the arena work just a bit more fun.


  1. Welcome to the rabbit hole. I will be interested to read and learn from your journey.


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