And its back

For how long, nobody is sure. But 3 cm of snow was all that was needed to create a cushion on the dry trails and make them sound for trotting and cantering. Poor Q was excited, and seeing two buck dance through the trees really got his adrenaline pumping. But we did finally manage to settle and had some nice trotting and a little lope.

The light in the dense forest changed dramatically while it snowed but unfortunately my phone camera does not do it justice. So I just enjoyed my ride of falling snow, tingling eyes and runny nose.

Ive always thought that Q and I are in constant conversation when we are on solo trails, but this GIF I captured for purpose of seeing the falling snow really highlights how chatty he really is. This is usually our take-off spot on a good canter track, but instead I have him waiting patiently for me to get a good shot. He must be saying : " can we go already?"

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the barn dog murdered my tiger tongue sponge and a mouse. Here is the scene of the crime. Unfortunately with the borders closed (and perhaps because of the popularity of the tiger tongue as a stocking present), tiger tongues are either out of stock, or 3-4 times the price. So I guess I will have to resort to old fashion grooming tools for a while.

And it is still technically autumn until Dec 21.


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