Shoulder Season

It’s that time of year where the weather is a roller coaster of snow, ice, sunshine, warmth and strong chilling winds. The forest is barren aside from the conifers and moss. The odd beech tree is still hanging on to the dark brown leaves until the spring and the increasing rains have made the footing range from boggy to frozen.

But we have plenty of fun just the same. Found myself a new riding partner who is just a delight. We canter and hand gallop down the big wide trails and my inner 9 year old giggles. She is back in the saddle after a 20 year absence, and her previous life as a cross-country eventer makes her bold and secure on the trails. 

Work is always busy this time of year so riding time takes a backseat. Im usually managing to ride 3x a week. But every once in a while 6-7 days go by without a trip to see Q. And Im happy to report that this lovely 7 year old andalusian gelding is easy as can be when I finally show up: brush, tack up, foot in the stirrup and off we go. No extra spooking, excitement or absence of brakes. Maybe this big boy is growing up!?!

Its more of a challenge if Im riding with excitable horses as he will feed off their energy. And, who knows? Maybe the dragon will emerge in the coming weeks?

We rode with a neighboring lusitano this week who was a nightmare. Bucking, spooking, kicking out, impossible to cross the creek, and very amped. Beautiful to watch trot with his natural elevation, but what a disaster on trail. The lady was watching my Q jogging on the buckle next to her with his head set low and relaxed and remarked at how calm he as. “How old is he?” 7. 

We had a fabulous ride solo yesterday and I cantered long stretches on the buckle (almost a lope) until I was out of breath (probably 2-3 km stretches) and it was nice to feel what my new objective is. We have gotten very good at jogging on the buckle for long stretches without adjustments and over the course of the next year Im going to be working on our lope on the buckle. Easy peasy in the arena but on trail, Q is definitely more forward.  

Despite not knowing how to dress every day in this shoulder season its been beautiful on the trail and we try and soak up every ounce of sunshine there is. 


  1. I enjoy this time of year (when the weather cooperates). Carmen is leading on every hack out and she is striding out like a mare on a mission. It's great to see her confidence grow. your friend sound perfect.

    1. Good matches are hard to find ... in horses and people! 🤣 Happy trails with carmen and irish!


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