The Qi of equine acupuncture

Action, reaction. Balancing energy flow.

A few times a year I have our acupuncture veterinarian come for a session with Q. Sometimes I have noticed symptoms, and sometimes I just like the second opinion of our friendly and wise acupuncture specialist.

This time I wanted to confirm the saddle fit of the new western saddle I got last fall, and wanted to see what the “walking on eggshells while going downhill” was all about. Good news, the saddle fits great. And as for eggshells, yep, Q showed a pain response in both hind muscles. So out the needles came and I got to watch Q start getting all droopy as the acupuncture did its thing.

It is fascinating to watch, and learn, as our acupuncturist explains the Qi (chee) and the meridians and the trial-and-error of finding the right spots to achieve the correct response. The good thing is that horses are intrinsically honest and quite responsive to pain. So once the needle is in the right spot, the pain response magically disappears. Our acupuncturist uses the fetlocks for most of his needles. Front of back leg fetlock provides relief in chest, side fetlock provides relief in lower back, and back of fetlock works the hind muscles and stifle area. I am of course oversimplifying.

And when the body has completed the response it literally ejects the needle.

So I am selling my all purpose County Eventer and if all goes well the buyer should be picking it up tomorrow. It will have sold within two hours of posting. I guess my price was fair. 😁 I will be sad to see it go as it was super comfortable but I really have no intention of competing again, and dont have the need or the space for an unused second saddle.

Q had a nap after his session and a few days off for good measure (and because I am busy with work). Back on trail tomorrow!


  1. Dang what a gorgeous saddle! And horse. You should post more pics of Q cuz I feel like I don't really know what he looks like.


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